Payment is required prior to the requested report sent to you. You can make a payment via the email sent to you or click on the link below to pay. Our assessor will advise you on which level you will need to click to pay for the services provided.


Authorization forms are required for all services. Please click on the button below to access the required form and you may email it to or give to the assessor on the day of services. Our office will confirm receipt once received.


Want to learn a little bit more about us and the services we are able to provide? Click on the link below to learn more!

Our company was started in May 2021, as Suncoast Environmental Testing. SET was owned by a mentor of our assessor, run by our assessor Timothy Crain. Recently, Timothy and his wife Stephanie have purchased the company and have renamed it to AIR Resolutions LLC. Same small business aspects, family owned company, same assessor and team… just a new name and many more available services!

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